
 Fine-Tune Your Retirement Project

And make the THIRD phase of your life the BEST time of your life!

Are you preparing for your RETIREMENT or RETIRED already and missing something? 

Here is how I can help you...

Free Resources on Retirement

Check videos and articles on different retirement topics. They emerged when I was interviewing retired people or coaching people in their third phase of life.

Take stock of your life experiences, gifts and talents. Define where to invest your time, and energy, so that it's fulfilling to you and appreciated by others.

Create a new life structure that will motivate you pursue your ideas and projects. Get into the flow by leaning into your values and your purpose.

Why me, here and now?

Hi all beautiful people who love adventure and never want to retire (from life), my name is Lenka...

I've been interviewing people in retirement and also coaching people in different phases of their lives. In their 30's (busy with their career and family life), in their 40's and 50's (re-evaluating their life priorities and making fundamental life changes), in their 60's and even in 70's (ready to give back their knowledge and experiences).  

Lenka Grackova: The author of the REALISER model and the program Be Unstoppable.

When I was interviewing people in retirement age, I noticed that people who had their passion project, people who were actively using their gifts & talents, who were sharing their knowledge & experiences looked happier and were more energized.

But the challenge in retirement is that you don't want to put yourself under pressure, you want to be more in the flow, do things with purpose and joy. Simply live a balanced, meaningful life.

And as I was interviewing people in retirement, I resonated with their desire to leave a mark in this world, to use their gifts and talents and create something meaningful. That's why I decided to support people in their third phase of life and help them make it the best phase of their life.


If you are looking for a stimulating place where RETIRING and RETIRED professionals network and discuss their ongoing projects, check out the Retired Professionals Belgium!