
 Fine-Tune Your Retirement Project

And make the THIRD phase of your life the BEST time of your life!

With Lenka Grackova
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Are you preparing for your RETIREMENT or  RETIRED already and missing something? 

Join 11 workshops over 11 weeks to FINE-TUNE your RETIREMENT project.

Hi all beautiful people who love adventure and never want to retire (from life), my name is Lenka...

I've been interviewing people in retirement and also coaching people in different phases of their lives. In their 30's (busy with their career and family life), in their 40's and 50's (re-evaluating their life priorities and making fundamental life changes), in their 60's and even in 70's (ready to give back their knowledge and experiences).  

Workshops with Lenka Grackova. The author of the REALISER model and the program Be Unstoppable.

When I was interviewing people in retirement age, I noticed that people who had their passion project, people who were actively using their gifts & talents, who were sharing their knowledge & experiences looked happier and were more energized.

But the challenge in retirement is that you don't want to put yourself under pressure, you want to be more in the flow, do things with purpose and joy. Simply live a balanced, meaningful life.

How to get there?

In these 11 workshops, I consolidated all that I learned from talking to retired people and completed it with my observations when coaching people through life changes. 

Make the third phase of  your life the best time of your life! Attend the workshops and get inspired for your own journey.

At the workshops, you will:

  • Learn how other people made their retirement the best phase of your life.
  • Get inspired by people pursuing their passion projects in retirement.
  • Find out what YOU need to be happy and fulfilled in retirement.
  • Fine-tune your retirement project and get the momentum going.
  • Meet and discuss with like-minded people.



Every Week

8pm - 9pm

Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris

Online on Zoom

With plenty of interaction
How retirement impacts life priorities and how to find the right balance.
How to set your ambitions even if you don't know exactly what your project is about.
How to shape your passion project so that it's enjoyable for you and relevant for others.
How to find the first logical steps that will be easy and fun to do.
How to do things according to your values and accomplish things with more ease and flow.
How to detach from what mattered in the past and embrace your new identity.
How your purpose helps you act on your ideas. How to find and define your purpose.
How to build a new life structure and spend your time wisely. (Neither too busy, nor too idle.)
How to overcome challenging thoughts and emotions, and cultivate positive attitude.
What happens in retirement with relationships and how to deal with it.
How to take the leap into the unknown and trust the process.

Register and attend one, a couple of, or all workshops

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the fee to attend the workshops?

Workshops are free of charge. But if you feel like donating, you can send your payment via paypal to lenka.grackova@realiser.be.

What if I can't attend all workshops?

Each workshop builds on the previous ones. I plan to share recordings of the theoretical part with people who registered so that you can catch up on what you missed.

Are the workshops going to be recorded?

Only the theoretical part. The discussion and exchange among participants will not be recorded.

Can I attend even if I'm not retiring soon? Some topics sound really interesting!

Sure, you can attend if you want to hear more about life and learn about yourself. In my previous workshops I had participants in their 40's or 50's who absolutely enjoyed the experience!

How many spots are available?

Maximum 100 people can attend each workshop on Zoom and enjoy the interactive part.

How will I be able to interact with other people at the workshop?

In the second part of the workshop, I will assign you into breakout rooms. So that you can freely discuss and exchange in pairs or in small groups.

I have a question that is not covered here.

If you want to ask any additional questions, send an email to lenka.grackova@realiser.be.